A rescue dog is:
a purebred Bernese Mountain Dog who can no longer be cared for by its owner of record or caretaker or has been placed in a shelter, is a stray, lost or abandoned.
A rehome dog is:
a purebred Bernese Mountain Dog who can no longer remain with its owner of record or caretaker and will be placed directly into a foster or permanent home. (Please note that occasionally reputable breeders and owners want to place a dog who does not work out for showing and/or breeding. Such a situation is typically handled directly by the breeder.)
BMDCFL rescue and re-homing program prides itself on being responsive to every situation we learn of, and where we may be of assistance. Our goals are to be there for the dogs, available to the individuals who are looking to us for help and assistance and the great homes eager to adopt a Bernese Mountain Dog in need.
We make every effort to match up a forever home placement for both the dog and the new owner. We also keep a database of applicants interested in adoption. When a dog becomes available the next step begins by suitably matching that dog to a perfect home. If we do not have a home available, and/or the match would be more appropriate outside of our geographical area, we coordinate efforts with other regional clubs across the country to ensure a successful match.
Rescue dogs need immediate attention. Dogs with “special needs” require specialized plans, increased compassion and often foster care evaluation. We are careful to address medical and temperament issues before any placement.
Please like and join the BMDCFL Rescue Facebook page.
Please contact us if:
If you are interested in becoming a “forever home for a Berner who is in need of one
If you are considering the placement of your Berner for any reason
If you might consider volunteering your time, expertise or home for temporary foster care etc.
510-221-8929 Deloris Handel